After clicking Add new document side panel will be displayed with document creation form. User has input field to fill in deatils, option to attach the files related to the document.
Column labels are displayed based on the configuration done at the admin side of the collection.
In order to edit the document which is already created, user can click on the document in the grid or can also navigate from Details and Edit Metadata options in kebab menu. Kebab menu options can be seen in the below image.
After clicking on Details option, user will be landed in the details page in read only mode.
After clicking on Edit Metadata option, user will be landed in the details page in edit mode, where metadata block will be editable.
Customer such as Person and Organization can be added to the document in the creation form by clickin on Add Customer link.
On clicking Add Customer link, side panel will be moved out to display 3 ways of adding the customers, side panel will be as shown in the below image.
Details process of adding the customer can be seen in the below link.
When users are in Details page, user can view visual browser icon in the General information section. user can click on the icon and see the detailed visuals in the section.
Detail process of viewing Visual browser can be seen in the below link.
Document can be deleted from the grid view, by clicking on the Delete option from kebeb menu.
Document can also be deleted from the details page of the document, Delete button is available in the top row of the details page.
On Clicking of the Delete, user will be prompted with pop-up, with two options: 'No, I’m not", and “Yes, I’m sure”. On clicking 'No, I’m not" option the user will be taken back to document overview page. On clicking “Yes, I’m sure” option, the Document will be deleted and the document name is removed from the list on document overview page.