Customer can added in 3 different ways as listed below
By Default Search Customer tab is displayed when Customer is linked in the creation form. User will have optoin type to select which customer type should searched, by default Person will be selected and user change the selection to organization.
User can also see the default selected person sources in the tab.
User has to enter keywork in the search input field and then click on search button.
Search results will be displayed in the grid which is below the search field.
User can select the customer from the grid by clicking on the checkbox infront of searched user name, and then can assign the Role to the customer.
Roles can be selected from the dropdwon for the selected customer, Roles dropdown will not be shown if the customer checkbox is not marked.
After selecting the Customer and Role, user can click on Link button to link the customer to the document. User can click on Cancel button to abort the process of selecting customers.
Linked customers will be displayed in the creation form of the document.
When customers are not available from collection sources, user can register new customer and them to the collections. user can navigate to register customer by clicking on Register New tab.
User select the Customer type and then select collection to view the customer registration form. If there is only 1 customer collection source linked to the doucment, then default collection form will be available.
User can fill the neccessary fields and then click on Add button, User can cancel the process of registering the user by clicking on Cancel button.
After clicking on Add button, user will navigated to search user tab, where in the grid area, newly registered customer will be available with selected checkbox.
User can select the Role for the customer from the dropdown available and click on the Link button.
Linked customers will be displayed in the creation form of the document.
User can manually enter the user data, which will be link only to the document where user is started adding the customers.
User can select the customer type either Person or Organization based on the requirement.
Based on the customer type selection, form will be loaded.
User can fill the details of the customer in the form and then click on Add button. User can also click cancel to abort the process.
After clicking on Add button, user will navigated to search user tab, where in the grid area, newly added customer will be available with selected checkbox.
User can select the Role for the customer from the dropdown available and click on the Link button.
Linked customers will be displayed in the creation form of the document.