JOIN Case & Document and JOIN Customer Contact are also available to install locally, on the organization’s infrastructure, within their own network.
JOIN is operational on Windows Server 2016, 2019 or 2022, on 64-bit systems. From certain amount of users, it is required that the database and / or application services are placed on separate servers.
It is not possible to combine JOIN Customer Contact and JOIN Case & Document on one server. The configurations below apply separately for each application.
Users[1] | Servers | Cores[2] | Memory |
1-50[3] | 1 | 2 | 4 GB[4] |
50-100 | 2 | 2 | 4 GB11 |
100-250 | 2 | 4 | 8 GB |
250-1000 | 3 | 4 | 8 GB |
1000-2000 | 3 | 4 | 12 GB |
More than 2000 | Tailored advice |
All servers must be equipped with Microsoft.Net 4.8 or higher, Internet Information Services and Microsoft Message Queuing, and have at least 50 GB of free disk space prior to installation.
Extra disk space is required for storing data within the application. It is advised not to store this data on the application server itself, but on separate locations on the network or on a storage device.
JOIN is operational on databases of type SQL Server (version 2018 or higher) and Oracle (version 9.x or higher). In the case of Oracle, Oracle ODP.Net Drivers (ODAC 12 / Managed Driver) are used on the web / application servers.
JOIN Case & Document is from version 2021.3 no longer supporting MySQL.
It is possible to install the database servers on Linux or Unix, as long as the database supports this.
ElasticSearch contains all metadata (both from registrations and files) that must be searchable for end users. The index contains all current metadata from the database and will require a significant amount of storage. Items are added to the index via the JOIN Background service.
Because the size of the index depends on the infrastructure and the content of your database, it is only possible to give an indication of the required amount of storage. Storage increases when your database contains a lot of file data for example.
Take an increase of storage into account of at least 60-70%. An item-table with a size of 10 GB will then lead to a search index with a size of approximately 6-7 GB. The calculation is linear and does not depend on the size.
On the server where elastic is running we advise 16GB of memory and 6GB allocated to Elastic service.
Elastic Search requires a separate installation that will be carried out by the Decos technical consultant. In addition to the installation of Elastic Search, an installation of Kibana and Java RE is also required.
The external search engine uses the JOIN Background service for performing the searches and writing metadata to the index. Performing these actions requires at least 2 GB of RAM. You must ensure this amount of memory is available on the server where JOIN Search is installed.
After the installation of JOIN Search, once the index will have to be built. The duration of this (bulk) indexing depends on the size of the item-table and the infrastructure.
When you use SSD, the index is built up with approximately 11000-14000 items per minute. This is an indication and may differ per situation. You can estimate the total index duration based on the size of your current item-table.
The required storage capacity is proportional to the number of records and files stored in the system. The following can be used as a guideline, but in practice the capacity used differs considerably per organization due to the application of different scanning preferences or OCR.
Examples storage capacity data set (gebaseerd op zwart/wit, 300 dpi | Harddisk space (average) |
Dataset with 5.000.000 documents, 2.000.000 adresses, without scanned pages | 27 GB |
Dataset with 30.000.000 documents, 15.000.000 adresses, without scanned pages | 165 GB |
Storage of 10.000.000 scanned pages | 500 GB |
Storage of 50.000.000 scanned pages | 2,5 TB |
Storage capacity data set | Harddisk space (average) |
Data per registration | 5 KB |
Data per address | 1 KB |
Data per file | 1 KB |
Storage of 1 scanned page black/white with 300 dpi, TIFF CCITT group 4 compression | 100 KB |
Updates for JOIN Case & Document and JOIN Customer Contact are available on the customer portal of our website for all organizations with a valid maintenance agreement.
With on-premise installations of JOIN Enterprise or parts of it, the organization itself is responsible for making backups of both the databases and stored files.
Some components in JOIN require internet connectivity, for example to communicate with cloud solutions such as JOIN Casetype (Zaaktypen), JOIN Agenderen or JOIN Customer Contact Management.
Some cloud solutions require connections to the JOIN Connect web services or JOIN REST API. If JOIN Connect cannot be accessed via a public HTTPS connection, JOIN Connect will still make itself available via an outgoing service bus relay connection via https://*
JOIN Case types synchronize with the JOIN server in two different ways:
Push, when publishing a case type, a message is sent to an Azure service bus topic. This requires the ZTC sync service to be able to connect outgoing to
Pull, every 30 minutes an outgoing request is made to to pick up the latest published case types.
Port | Direction | Scope | Description |
9354 | Outgoing | JOIN C&D server | |
(optional) Azure service bus for sending push-messages to JOIN Casetype Synchronization Service
The following Cloud applications are dependent on an external connection with JOIN Connect.
For the correct operation of Cloud applications and JOIN Case & Document, outgoing traffic must be possible on the ports below. If equipment blocks or uses these ports, these applications cannot function properly.
Port | Outgoing | Scope | Description |
443 | Outgoing | JOIN C&D server | |
5671 | Outgoing | JOIN C&D server | |
9350 | Outgoing | JOIN C&D server | t/m |
9353 |
We use the Azure Relay service to establish this connection.
More information can be found at:
In some cases, it is also necessary to open the IP number range of the Microsoft Azure data center on the ports listed above. The complete list can be found here:
End users of the Cloud applications suffice with an outgoing https connection via port 443 to the various Cloud applications.