DigiD - a DigiD group-connection is used for citizen to establish a secure login based on their DigiD. DigiD is used in IA and LV.NU knowledges
eHerkenning - a eHerkenning connection is used for companies to establish a secure login based on their eHerkenning identity. eHerkenning (hosted by Signicat) is used in AIM and LV.NU knowledges.
The menuet solution consists of the following external integrations (between brackets you will find the knowledges that consume these services):
DKD - Digitaal Klantdossier (Suwinet): DKD is used to fetch additional data of a citizen, like license plate, income-tax etc. The request is based on a citizen's BSN. This service is hosted by JNET. (IA)
Andes: Smart API that calculates the correct distance to the nearest school (LV.NU)
Zipcode webAPI webservices: API to convert zipcode/housenumber into an address (LV.NU, EA, IA, AIM, TOZO)
9292 Public Transport API: this API is used to calculate trip distances to the closest school for student transport (LV.NU)
Google Maps: drawing a location / vector on a map during the event permit request (EA)
Outgoing mail: Office 365
HIQ-PDF: generating PDF from HTML (EA, IA, AIM, LV.NU)