The number of usernames that can be entered corresponds to the number of licenses, allowing users to have access to the solution at all times. The total number of usernames of all installations added together must remain below the agreed limit. A user name can be a full user or a user with bulk scan rights.
Every user can use JOIN Now, the MS Office link from JOIN Case & Document, with which documents can be stored directly from the Office environment in the JOIN database.
In addition to named users, JOIN Case & Document has a number of modules that are included in the license. If these modules are active, they are activated for all users in the system.
Integrations with JOIN Case & Document via JOIN Connect use so called JOIN Connect system licenses. One system license represents one connected integration/application.
Licenses for the use of StUF integrations are processed as a JOIN Case & Document module in the JOIN Case & Document license. One JOIN Connect system license is also included per StUF integration, which will be used by the StUF integration.
JOIN Customer Contact has no license restrictions for the number of users that may use JOIN Customer Contact. Users are added with the Active Directory or E-directory. Access is given at group or individual level in the JOIN Customer Contact management environment.
However, a license is required per connected source (application) on JOIN Customer Contact.
A license for JOIN Customer Contact also includes a license for the shared Cloud solution JOIN Customer Contact Management.
The other JOIN Solutions are available as a shared Cloud solution and use a yearly renewable license subscription, after which the product is available to the organization regardless of the number of users using the solution.