JOIN Customer Contact is used from the web browser and uses websockets to connect to the JOIN Customer Contact server. This means that it is not only possible to communicate with JOIN Customer Contact from the workplace, but also vice versa.
The heart of the solution JOIN Customer Contact is a message box (Rebus). This is an open source component for building scalable and flexible distributed systems. It is not a stand-alone service bus or broker, but is used for internal message exchange between the various system components. The internal message traffic in Rebus is supported by Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) and Rabbit MQ.
By working with internal message exchange between the different parts of JOIN Customer Contact, these parts run as separate components, which has a positive influence on the stability, flexibility, scalability and maintenance of the system. This also makes it possible to develop customer-specific components.
JOIN Customer Contact application managers (admins) use a separate management environment for JOIN Customer Contact. JOIN Customer Contact Management is only connected to JOIN Customer Contact and not to the underlying integrations.
JOIN Customer Contact provides support for direct and indirect channels. Thanks to the vast amount of integration channels, JOIN Customer Contact contributes to the objective “handling 80% of questions at first contact”.
JOIN Customer Contact integrates with the following sources (and the list is continuously expanding):
- CiVision Broker Data from PinkRoccade
- Key2Data distribution from Centric
- GBA-V Centric Key2GBA-V
- GBA-V Pink Roccade CML
- Vicrea Neuron ESB integration platform
- JOIN Connect connection
- CiVision Broker Data from PinkRoccade
- Key2Data distribution from Centric
- GBA-V Centric Key2GBA-V
- GBA-V Pink Roccade CML
- Vicrea Neuron ESB integration platform
- JOIN Connect connection
- Link with Urbidata
- BAG-kadaster
- Vicrea BAG (Stuf BG)
- Link with JOIN Case & Document (JOIN Connect)
- Link with PinkRoccade Casesysteem (StUf ZKN)
- Any business sytem that communicates with StUF ZKN
- Link with JOIN Case & Document
- Live connection with Nedgraphics
- Live connection with Vicrea
- Live connection with Urbidata
- Mapguide
¶ Products and Services
- Link with Seneca Smartsite Ixperion 1.3
- Link with SIM PDC
- Link with SIM SITE
- Link with SDU VIND
- Link with Impactive PDC
- Link with PDC van Daadkracht
- Link with PDC van GX
- Link with PDC van Typo3
- Link with PDC van Drupal
- Link with PDC van Greenvalley
- Kluwer PDC
- Collaborating Catalogi
- Link with Seneca Smartsite Ixperion 1.3
- Link with met SIM VAC
- Link with SDU ANTWOORD
- Link with Impactive VAC
- Link with Daadkracht VAC
- Link with GX VAC
- Link with Typo3 VAC
- Link with Drupal VAC
- Link with Greenvalley VAC
- Kluwer VAC
- Batch Link with the Antwoord© Contentcollectie (‘Vraag & Antwoord Combinaties’ van ICTU)
- XML- Link with Kluwer Antwoord paraat
- Link with Active directory
- Link with Novell E-Directory
- Link with OpenLDAP en Oracle OID
- Link with AAD (Azure Active Directory)
¶ E-mail Incoming and Outgoing
- Email Exchange server (o.b.v. IMAP of Exchange Web Services)
- Groupwise (o.b.v. IMAP)
- Link with Active Directory
- Employee presence via PC-Time
- Employee presence via Atrea
- Employee expertise from ‘wie is wie’ via SIM
- JOIN Case & Document ‘smoelenboek’ link (employee photos)
- Presence via Interflex
- Presence via Atimo
- Microsoft LYNC presence and photos
- Greenvalley, incl. prefill
- JOIN E-Formulieren
- Link with the JOIN Case & Document Casetype
¶ Demand Guidance (NL: beslisboom)
- Impactive demand guidance
- InfoProjects
- Mitel Open Integration Gateway
- Unify OpenScape Voice
- Cisco UCCX
- Avaya AES
- CSTA ECMA-323/269/285 gebaseerde telefooncentrales
¶ Appointment and Visitor Guidance
- G-PLAN (JCC-Software)
- QMatic
- Facebook
- Twitter
- WhatsApp