If you want to know how your end users can use the anonymize function, go to: anonymize documents
From version 2021.12 of JOIN Case & Document, the application has the functionality to send documents to an application for anonymizing documents.
On this page you will find information for the technical and functional management and configuration of the functionalities.
3 components have been developed for this:
As of version 2021.12, integrations are possible with the following vendors:
From version 2022.2, an integration with Octobox is available.
From version 2024.8, an integration with eData is available.
To be able to use the function to anonymize documents, a valid license is required. This license (“ANOS”) can be found via Application Management
> Options
> License settings
Of course you must also have a valid license for the datamask, BM or Octobox.
The communication between your (local) JOIN Installation and the anonymization application runs, just like for example with Digital Signing), via a central cloud service. This Cloud service is located in the Decos Cloud Platform. This is the platform where you can also find solutions such as JOIN Collaboration.
Decos manages this Cloud service and will also register a so-called tenant for your organization and realize the link with, for example, Datamask or Octobox. JOIN Case & Document therefore does not communicate directly with the API of the anonymization application, but always via the cloud service.
The “system configuration” section manages all the data needed to establish a link with one of the vendors.
Please note: The configuration will be done by a decos technical consultant. We advise you not to make any changes to this configuration yourself.
The following configurations are possible here:
You can set per collection whether anonymization requests can be sent from this collection. You can configure any collection that has a relationship with a document or directly with a file.
The function to anonymize files can be found in the section Application Management
> Book
> Options tab
Anonymization requests can also be sent via the work stock. No additional configuration is required. Of course, it is checked whether the aforementioned option is set in the collection from which the activity was created.
In addition to the configuration per collection, you must also provide users with the privilege “Submit anonymization requests”, you set this in the section User management
> Users
> Permissions tab
> Component "permissions"